花・野草・樹木 キツネノカミソリ 由来 キツネの剃刀名前の由来は葉の形が剃刀(カミソリ)似て、花色がきつね色(薄い茶褐色)から名付けられたという説。2つ目は、キツネノカミソリは林の中などで突然花が咲きます。その姿がまるで狐火(夜に人が火を灯さず炎が現れる現象)に見えることから付けられた、という説もあります。 2024.08.31 花・野草・樹木
散歩 I came across The Very Hungry Caterpillar while taking a walk A black and orange-speckled caterpillar with bright white hairs gorging on a light green leaf.The larvae of this moth are showy, but the adults are subdued in color. 2024.08.25 散歩
散歩 A small shrine whose name I don’t even know There are approximately 88,500 shrines in Japan, and if you include unregistered shrines, it is said to number approximately 200,000. On the other hand, there are approximately 55,000 convenience stores found everywhere in Japan. 2024.08.20 散歩